Sunday, February 10, 2013

John Leslie Ware...the mystery deepens

So last night I found something kind of cool on Ancestry.  If I could save the image, I would, but they won't let me. So I will recreate it for y'all:

I found a WWI registration card that made me go, "hmmm":

SER Numb: 1632  Order Number: 2336


Permanent Home Address:
2 (looks like a 2) R.F. (undecipherable--maybe a D?) Salem, Lee, AL

Age in Years:
3__(undecipherable second number)

Date of Birth:
August 15, 1881

Native Born, White

Present Occupation: ENGINEER (This perplexed me. Chris told me I'm thinking too modern. "Engineer probably meant he ran a machine.")
Leo Moreman (I looked him up. Found that at 34, Leo was a road foreman)
Waverly, Lee, Alabama
Daisy E. Ware---wife
Opelika, AL


Medium Height, Medium Build, Blue eyes, Light hair

Registrar: Roy D. Clarke (?)

September 15(second number is hard to read) 1918
Are you Jay Leslie? J.Leslie? John Leslie? SPEAK UP! I'm listening!

In other related news: I found this out:
He lived at 814 1/2 Avenue A in Opelika, AL, according to a 1923 directory.
This is the building. It's Alabama Office Supply now.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

John Leslie Ware...Where in the heck did he come from?

I'm searching for information on the parents of John Leslie Ware. Supposedly he was born in Tyler, Texas, but we are not sure. He married Mamie Cribbs on June 7, 1924 and had a son named Herbert Leslie Ware on September 18, 1925. They moved to Lee County, Alabama.

Who are John Leslie Ware's parents???
This is a picture of John Leslie Ware with his first five children with Daisy Newman. His second wife was Mamie Cribbs.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Italian Blood: Genoa, Italy and Mark Anthony 1670...1769

(Updated: Feb. 2, 2013 because I missed a generation. I forgot about the awesome preacher man named Samuel W. Anthony.)

So here you have a Mark Anthony.  Check out the information on this guy.  Thanks to Dana Huff for her blog (inspired me to do this one!). I really like the story about the murder of his pirate captor and his stowaway trip to the US. Yay! I hope it's not total bunk.   Mark Anthony is my 7th great grandfather.

 Mark Anthony married Isabella Hester Hart and had Joseph Anthony, who married Elizabeth Clark.  According to some notes I made on my tree (and it could be incorrect, but someone tell me what source I got this from), Joseph and Elizabeth were Quakers.  That's weird to me because they apparently owned 21 slaves (will, September 24, 1785) and I thought all Quakers were against slavery. Hmmm...(More on Elizabeth notes show that she was the daughter of Christopher Clark and Penelope Johnson and she MIGHT be related to Elijah Clark (1733--1799). He was a hero of the American Revolution.  He also attacked Creek villages. Okay, then.)

Joseph Anthony is my 6th great grandfather.

So Joseph and Elizabeth Anthony (they of the 21 slaves and Quakerism) had a son named Lewis Anthony around 1774 in South Carolina.

Lewis Anthony, I is my 5th great grandfather.

 Lewis married another Elizabeth (no idea last name, anyone know?)  and had Lewis Junior in 1810 in Pendleton, South Carolina.

Lewis Jr is my 4th great grandfather.
 Lewis Jr also had a brother named Samuel Wesley Anthony, who was a preacher. Check out what I found here: 


Samuel Anthony, b. 1808, d. Mar 3, 1880, son of Lewis Anthony, I, and his wife, Elizabeth, md. (1) Mar 2, 1826, Gwinnett Co., GA, Elizbeth Blalock, b. Feb 18, 1805, d. Nov 19, 1851. Both were born in SC. She is buried in Talbotton, GA He is buried in Oak Park Cemetery,(HE IS ACTUALLY BURIED IN OAK GROVE CEMETERY by jsparish1) Americus, GA, on the same lot with his daughter, Martha, and at least one granddaughter. The Methodist church placed a bronze tablet on his monument, in honor of his memorable life and service. 
He, and perhaps his wife, was converted in Gwinnett Co., GA Level Creek Church was orgainzed in a log building built by Phillip Lamar for a school house in 1822 or early 1823. One of those listed as licensed to exhort and then to preach was Rev. Samuel Anthony. The Presiding Elder expressed doubts that young Anthony would succeed as an itinerant preacher. He became one of Georgia's best loved ministers, affectionately called Uncle Sam. He drew land in the land Lottery of 1827 and thus he and his family came to Muscogee Co. He was admitted to the conference in 1832. His first assignment was to Okmulgee Circuit. During his second assignment it was said that the churches on his circuit received 1500 members. The statement is made that he was appointed by his conference to all the best places in the state at one time or other.
He was a delegate to the General Conference in 1845, out of which came the separation of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the beginning of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He served on the board of directors of one or more colleges, also was one of those who helped to establish the South Georgia Methodist Orphanage, was Presiding Elder several times, (and) served Mulberry Church in Macon three times. (Ref: History of Gwinnett Co., GA, by J. C. Flannigan; History of Gwinnett Churches; Memo on the Death of Rev. Samuel Anthony, Mar 5, 1880, published in the Christian Advocate of that year; Life of Joseph Rucker, by Clarinda P. LaMar
Rev. Samuel Anthony was enumerated in the census of 1830 in Muscogee Co., GA p. 289; census of 1850, Talbot Co., GA; census of 1860, Randolph Co., GA
He was often referred to as the "Old Roman" because of his uncompromising opinions. He allowed no worldly element in the church, and for this e rebuked Mulberry's congregation because of the organ, saying "If that whimmer-jimmy in the left (loft?) will please keep quiet, Brother Danforth will raise the tune." On one occation, when (in) the act of performing a marriage ceremony, he was shot and grievously wounded by an enraged relative of the bride. He proceeded with the wedding despite his sufferings.
Rev. Samuel Anthony, md. (2) Sep 11, 1854, Sarah Rakestraw.}

Lewis Anthony JR married Margaret (or Martha) Taylor.  They begat Samuel Wesley Anthony.
Samuel W Anthony had Warren T. Anthony.

Samuel (not the preacher one--that's this Sam's uncle) is my 3rd great grandfather.

Samuel Anthony had Warren T. Anthony.  Warren T Anthony is my 2nd great grandfather.

Warren T. Anthony married Mary Virginia Short and had a son named William Sterling Anthony on May 29, 1882.  William is my great grandfather on my father's mother's side.

William Sterling Anthony married Pearle Mae Ford in Georgia and had my grandmother, Prudence Olivia Anthony around 1918 in Georgia.

Olivia was my grandmother.

The Beginning

First post on my new blog. I have so many blogs.  Good grief.  I have my "journal-y" one, my projects one, my school one, and now this one.  Sorry. :) It's mainly for me, to keep track of how my genealogy stuff is going and also to grab anyone who googles one of my ancestor's names.  Please comment and let me know if you are also related and you have some information to share.  Thanks so much!!!